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BioFuel Newsgroup

EXPIRED LISTING - submitted on 2017-09-19.
Details and prices quoted are no longer current or valid.


Rail Tie Wood Chips For Sale.
My client can produce more than 800 tons per day of rail tie wood chips to meet any client's requirements. The company is FSC Certified. The rail tie chips are great for power generation, as they burn at a higher BTU rate than regular wood chips. The rail tie chips are 3 inches in diameter but can be made smaller if required. A spec sheet and photos are available. If your requirements are significant he is willing to build a chipping facility right at your plant in order to supply you directly, so long as the plant has a rail spur. I can set up a conference call with the owner so you can speak with him. If you want the chips shipped overseas you must have your own shipping arrangements.

Listing ID: LA1199278
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Quantity Units Frequency
800+ MT Day
Price Funds Per Unit
42.00 USD MT

NOTE : This is an archived listing and the details of the listing are outdated and no longer valid.
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