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Biomass Recovery Newsgroup

EXPIRED LISTING - submitted on 2024-03-12.
Details and prices quoted are no longer current or valid.
Sawdust, Wood Shavings & Wood Chip : AVAILABLE TO SELL


Acacia and Eucalyptus Wood chips, paper and MDF grades.
Acacia and Eucalyptus Wood chips, paper and MDF grades, Guaranteed contract from one to five years, directly from the producer, payments with irrevocable non-transferable LC are accepted at sight

Listing ID: LA1362962
To view contact information to this listing,

Quantity Units Frequency
100000 MT Month
Price Funds Per Unit

NOTE : This is an archived listing and the details of the listing are outdated and no longer valid.
ID TYPE ITEMS ( Found : 4316 ) DATE
LA1363432 Available MDF & Particleboard saw dust/fines & chips. 2024-03-27 09:45:00
LA1362996 Available Pine Wooden Shavings& Sawdust . 2024-03-13 06:19:00
LA1362981 Available 80M wood flour. 2024-03-12 20:57:00
LA1362962 Available Acacia and Eucalyptus Wood chips, paper and MDF grades. 2024-03-12 14:34:00
LA1362959 Available Saw Dust . 2024-03-12 12:52:00
LA1362950 Available Wood Chips. 2024-03-12 09:31:00
LA1362927 Available Wood chips. 2024-03-11 18:32:00
LA1362904 Available Hazelnut charcoal. 2024-03-11 08:47:00
LA1362296 Available Wood chips. 2024-02-26 12:41:00
LA1362111 Available Fire Wood . 2024-02-21 10:00:00
LA1362088 Available Painted pallet wood chips. 2024-02-21 00:35:00
LA1362010 Available Biomass briquettes . 2024-02-19 10:34:00
LA1362009 Available Biomass briquettes . 2024-02-19 10:30:00
LA1361958 Available Biomass. 2024-02-18 03:21:00
LA1361491 Available Sawdust. 2024-02-06 11:24:00
LA1361389 Available Sawdust. 2024-02-04 09:15:00
LA1361264 Available Cow dung cake . 2024-01-31 10:38:00
LW1361262 Wanted Wood Pellet. 2024-01-31 09:28:00
LA1360851 Available Hardwood Fuel Pellets. 2024-01-22 20:08:00
LA1360849 Available Cow dung cake . 2024-01-22 17:19:00
LA1360453 Available Pine or hardwood. 2024-01-12 14:04:00
LA1360324 Available Kiln Dried Planer shavings and sawdust. 2024-01-09 17:32:00
LW1360312 Wanted Wood Pellet . 2024-01-09 12:51:00
LA1360264 Available Saw dust. 2024-01-08 09:43:00
LA1360105 Available Sengon /Albasia wood chips . 2024-01-03 22:26:00
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