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Byproducts & Sidestreams Newsgroup

EXPIRED LISTING - submitted on 2010-09-14.
Details and prices quoted are no longer current or valid.
Waste to Energy : WANTED TO BUY


UVO Used Vegetable Oil.
UVO Used Vegetable Oils and Old Cooking Greases are typically collected from restaurants or commercial kitchens.

Listing ID: LW950830
To view contact information to this listing,

Quantity Units Frequency
40000 MT Year
Price Funds Per Unit
0.05 USD lbs

NOTE : This is an archived listing and the details of the listing are outdated and no longer valid.
ID TYPE ITEMS ( Found : 387 ) DATE
112771 News/Info Secondary Materials Market Report (Composite is Up 6.25%). 2010-09-28 :00
112760 News/Info Secondary Commodity Markets News (Composite is Up 7.36%). 2010-09-24 :00
112742 News/Info Monthly Automotive Recycling Snapshot (Composite is Up 5.03%). 2010-09-21 :00
LW951722 Wanted sunflower husk pellets. 2010-09-20 15:02:00
112734 News/Info Energy From Waste Market Snapshot (Composite is Up 1.23%). 2010-09-19 :00
112721 News/Info Secondary Commodity Market Snapshot (Composite is Up 2.80%). 2010-09-14 :00
LW950830 Wanted UVO Used Vegetable Oil. 2010-09-14 12:06:00
112715 News/Info South Carolina - Textile (Composite is Up 0.57%). 2010-09-13 :00
112703 News/Info Monthly Secondary Commodity Snapshot (Composite is Up 10.72%). 2010-09-10 :00
112693 News/Info Waste to Energy Monthly Snapshot (Composite is Down 4.46%). 2010-09-08 :00
112686 News/Info Auto Recyclers Market News (Composite is Up 0.78%). 2010-09-07 :00
112671 News/Info Rubber Reclamation Report (Composite is Up 0.73%). 2010-09-03 :00
112669 News/Info Waste to Energy Monthly Market Trends (Composite is Down 6.91%). 2010-09-02 :00
LW948900 Wanted RDF Refuse Derived Fuel. 2010-08-30 10:27:00
112660 News/Info Secondary Materials Market Report (Composite is Up 9.92%). 2010-08-28 :00
112659 News/Info Automotive Dismantlers News (Composite is Up 0.18%). 2010-08-28 :00
112652 News/Info Secondary Commodity Markets News (Composite is Up 10.86%). 2010-08-24 :00
112641 News/Info Monthly Automotive Recycling Snapshot (Composite is Up 4.21%). 2010-08-21 :00
112632 News/Info Energy From Waste Market Snapshot (Composite is Down 0.08%). 2010-08-19 :00
112624 News/Info Secondary Commodity Market Snapshot (Composite is Up 2.91%). 2010-08-14 :00
112620 News/Info South Carolina - Textile (Composite is Up 2.23%). 2010-08-13 :00
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