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EXPIRED LISTING - submitted on 2013-06-25.
Details and prices quoted are no longer current or valid.


APF Alternative Polymer Fuel.
Alternative Polymer Fuel (APF) Considered non-waste material for import/export APF is a Specified Fuel, made specifically for power generation and cement plants to ensure continuous, consistent and efficient running of the furnaces. Please do not confuse this with the lower grade of RDF. Through our modern processing and state of the art technology we can ensure your waste to energy plant or cement kilns get the fuel it needs, when it needs it and more importantly to the correct controlled process, all APF is made to a set of CEN/TS government standards in alternative fuels. Our feed stock is sorted and treated both thermally and mechanically, to ensure consistent sizing, consistent material supplies, and removal of harmful materials, bacteria and moisture reduction, through two stages of shredding, heat treatments and sealed baling. This process guarantees you get a higher-quality fuel versus the lower grade Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF). APF advantages over RDF Sizing or grading ensures consistent feeding of your furnace; no snagging or jam ups or delays in production whilst furnace feed systems are cleaned down. Heat treatment ensures a reduction of moisture content, reducing hot spots and steam hammering, which can all cause very expensive damage to your furnace and you are not paying to ship moisture thus ensuring better value for money. Sorting ensures we remove any harmful materials, such as PVC, which can cause both damage to our environment, people and your valuable furnace. Heat treatment and sealed baling ensure a reduction in bacterial activity, meaning your new fuel supply has not degraded during long haul shipping; you get what you paid for. Through our modern process we can ensure you get the specific calorific value you need, so at last you can predict your furnace feed rates and out-puts, but more importantly causing no damage to your furnace due to consistently varying temperatures or hot spots. We guarantee our products performance to government standards in the EU. Baled Physical Specifications Oblong bales made specifically to maximize shipping efficiency: Weight: 1100 to 1200 kilo Dimensions: 1.4 Metres long X 1.1 Metres high X 1.1 Metres wide Bale Cube: 1.694 Cubic Metre (1.41 Cubic Metre per tonne) Technical specifications for APF The specifications in this Schedule are to be considered as technical specifications suitable for the performance in cement and power plants. These specifications are not to be considered as environmental specifications but as guidelines for use and permitting requirements. Parameter Typical Values Calorific Content (LHV Lower Heating Value): 20 MJ/Kg (+2/-3 MJ/Kg) Moisture: <15 % w/w - + 0 Bulk Density: 180 Kg/m3 working range 100-300 Kg/m3 Particle size: <30mm in any two dimensions Ashes: <15% w/w Biomass Content: >50% Sulphur: 1% w/w Chlorine: 0.8% w/w Fluorine: 0.5% w/w Bromine: 0.25% w/w Iodine: 0.25% w/w Metals mg/kg (max) Mercury: 10 Cadmium: 20 Thallium: 20 Antimony: 150 Arsenic: 100 Chromium: 150 Cobalt: 75 Copper: 500 Lead: 150 Manganese: 150 Nickel: 150 Tin: 50 Vanadium: 100 TESTING PROTOCOL A Parameter Measurement Accreditation Gross and Net Calorific Values MJ/kg CEN/TS 15400 Moisture content % CEN/TS 15414 Sulphur, Chlorine, Fluorine, Bromine % CEN/TS 15408 Iodine % CEN, ISO or BS Mercury, Cadmium, Thallium, Antimony, Arsenic, Cobalt, Copper, Chromium, Lead, Manganese, Nickel, and Vanadium mg/Kg CEN/TS 15411 Tin to be mg/Kg CEN, (ISO or BS) Details should be provided on the sample methodology and how the data would be representative of potential APF supplies to cement and power plant works. Any permanent supply of APF to cement and power plant works’ would require full analysis of all of the above parameters on an ongoing basis. Cement and power generation plants and works’ will require a supplier analysis on a representative sample batch of approximately 2000 tonne. TESTING PROTOCOL B Parameter Standard Total Carbon Content CEN/TS 15407 Biomass Carbon Content CEN/TS 15440 Total and biomass carbon content must be to the above standard quoted.

Listing ID: LA1056549
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Quantity Units Frequency
48,000 MT Month
Price Funds Per Unit
9.00 USD MT

NOTE : This is an archived listing and the details of the listing are outdated and no longer valid.
ID TYPE ITEMS ( Found : 387 ) DATE
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