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Byproducts & Sidestreams Newsgroup

EXPIRED LISTING - submitted on 2013-12-04.
Details and prices quoted are no longer current or valid.


Used Cooking Oil / UVO.
We are a big recycling company that handles and collects used cooking oil from 2000 restaurants and hotels in Romania, and our contracts are continously growing, as more and more companyes sign with us each month. At this moment, we can provide you with 2 shippments every month, each shippment having between 23 and 25 MT. We collect used oil, as we stated above, and the oil that we can provide you with is 75 - 80% palm oil, 15 - 20% sunflower oil and somewhere between 5 and 10% animal fats. We are uploading the tanks with liquid oil at a temperature of 35 - 45 degrees Celsius, and our latests analisys showed up that the level MIU 1% and FFA is between 4, 4.5%, but under 5%. We can provide you with oil to make your own analisys if you wish that. We own an ISCC- Eu Certificate which allows us to sell this oil. UVO

Listing ID: LA1073932
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Quantity Units Frequency
50 MT Month
Price Funds Per Unit
- - -

NOTE : This is an archived listing and the details of the listing are outdated and no longer valid.
ID TYPE ITEMS ( Found : 387 ) DATE
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LA1073932 Available Used Cooking Oil / UVO. 2013-12-04 07:18:00
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LW1011882 Wanted TDF chips or Bailed Scrap tires. 2012-04-11 07:06:00
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