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Byproducts & Sidestreams Newsgroup

EXPIRED LISTING - submitted on 2011-04-06.
Details and prices quoted are no longer current or valid.


dRDF Pellet Fuels.
Seeking FORMAL Purchase Agreements (Americas & Internationally) for all or part of minimum 150,000 tons of quality pellet fuels produced yearly at our new dRDF Fuel Pellet Plant, Virginia USA. Our BMSd RDF Fuel Pellets are produced from our fully patented system and independently tested with guaranteed results that include major reductions of air pollutions in coal fired operations and a quality fuel pellet for steam to energy. Our BMS dRDF Fuel Pellet is a quality 9,200 BTUs, clean, dRDF Pellets. Production avaialability Winter 2011, New plant under construction. Prices quote FOB Virginia, USA. Densified Refuse Derived Fuel (dRDF) sorted from municipal solid waste (MSW) with the non-combustable fraction removed. Also known as solid recovered fuel/ specified recovered fuel (SRF). Marketing Brokerage agreements accepted!

Listing ID: LA974340
To view contact information to this listing,

Quantity Units Frequency
150000 ton Year
Price Funds Per Unit
80.00 USD ton

NOTE : This is an archived listing and the details of the listing are outdated and no longer valid.
ID TYPE ITEMS ( Found : 387 ) DATE
113370 News/Info Waste to Energy Monthly Snapshot (Composite is Down 1.03%). 2011-05-08 :00
113368 News/Info Auto Recyclers Market News (Composite is Down 2.55%). 2011-05-07 :00
113349 News/Info Rubber Reclamation Report (Composite is Up 1.21%). 2011-05-03 :00
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113333 News/Info Secondary Commodity Markets News (Composite is Up 0.35%). 2011-04-24 :00
LA976168 Available Shaving. 2011-04-23 21:35:00
113327 News/Info Monthly Automotive Recycling Snapshot (Composite is Up 0.41%). 2011-04-21 :00
113320 News/Info Energy From Waste Market Snapshot (Composite is Up 4.48%). 2011-04-19 :00
LA975352 Available TDF Tire Derived Fuel. 2011-04-15 09:56:00
113310 News/Info Secondary Commodity Market Snapshot (Composite is Up 1.32%). 2011-04-14 :00
113305 News/Info South Carolina - Textile (Composite is Up 2.23%). 2011-04-13 :00
113301 News/Info Monthly Secondary Commodity Snapshot (Composite is Up 1.25%). 2011-04-10 :00
113298 News/Info Waste to Energy Monthly Snapshot (Composite is Up 3.16%). 2011-04-08 :00
113295 News/Info Auto Recyclers Market News (Composite is Up 1.08%). 2011-04-07 :00
LA974340 Available dRDF Pellet Fuels. 2011-04-06 08:36:00
113283 News/Info Rubber Reclamation Report (Composite is Down 5.43%). 2011-04-03 :00
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