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Bio Materials Exchange Listings
( Algae )

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  • To add a Buy / Sell / Trade listing to this category of the Exchange, choose Add: Exchange Listings.

Bio Materials
( Grade : Algae )

MORE GRADE LISTINGS : Wanted (0) | Available (1)
CATEGORY LISTINGS : Wanted (0) | Available (1)
Listings: (1 - 1) of 1

Shipping Pt. / Location: USA, SLOCOMB ALABAMA

To contact this listing, ENTER YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS AND CLICK GO :
Quantity Units Frequency
5000 ton Year
Price Funds Per Unit
- - -
Biochar - Premium BioChar. Premium Biochar Description: Biochar is produced during pyrolysis, a thermal decomposition of biomass in an oxygen-limited environment. Our carbon is used as a soil amendment, remediation as well as water filtration and treatment. Our products are above 72% or higher in fixed carbon content. We sell bulk and bagged products.

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