By~Product Synergy - Complex Materials Recovery
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Complex Materials

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Multi Matrix Composite Wastes

Sewage Treatment
Animal Manure Waste
Nutrient Recovery       Protein Upcycling

Molecular Elemental Regeneration
Complex Materials Recovery

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Multi Matrix Composite Wastes
The evolution of advanced manufacturing techniques has resulted in the development of Multi Matrix Composite products and materials. The replacement of traditional materials such as wood, metal and natural fibers with synthetic materials that improve technical performance has created a new stream of production by-products and end of life wastes that the recycling industry traditionally has not handled. Thus there is a learning curve to the migration to these Multi Matrix Composite wastes.

Types of Composite Wastes
Carbon Fiber Composites
FRP Composite Wastes

Metal Content       Inorganic Materials
Composite Recovery Methods

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By~Product Synergy provides an information exchange to Directly Connect generators of Multi Matrix Composite Wastes and Materials with recyclers and byproduct material processors in an attempt to conserve the earth's strategic resources.

Sewage Treatment
Collaborative Forum

Municipal Sewage Treatment is a vital service for any densely populated area to maintain sanitary conditions. The typical pollution control plant (sewage treatment facility) follows a process flow that is the tried and true, reliable acceptable technology.

Every plant seems to experience the same difficulty with the inflow of oversized reject materials which iare removed in a similar method.
The inorganic grit fraction it seems, to be handled in a standard fashion and I have not heard anything revolutionary about grit sludge residue disposition.

There seems to be a shift in the thinking about primary & secondary classification sludges, some now consider these as a resource feedstock to extract value from.

4 Items of interest -

#1. - I do not see much work in the development of unique uses to upcycle the skimmed oils, fats and greases.

#2. - What is the current attitude towards effluent discharge versus full cycle water reuse across North American society ?

#3. - Does anyone have any suggestions on methods to extract trace contaminates such as chemicals, pharmaceuticals and heavy metals from the effluent discharge and biosolids ?

#4. - What are the latest advancements related to Nutrient Recovery for both the liquid and bio solids streams ?

sewage treatment

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online collaboration group

The Online Collaboration Forum provides an opportunity to network and share information regarding Sewage Treatment. Please contribute your news and views on developments of projects, technology and observations of regulatory impacts to the Sewage Treatment Forum.
Check-out more Sewage Treatment information.

Animal Manure Waste
Manure Management Forum

Traditionally animal manure has been spread on the fields as a fertilizer and the only management required was the accumulation and seasonal application cycle. As agricultural technology evolves the number of animals on a single farm has drastically multiplied, increasing the volume of manure that is generated. Increasing the volume of manure applied to the fields has resulted in a Nutrient overload and caused runoff into local waterways. This situation has lead to the implementation of strict regulations limiting land application of manure and has resulted in the accumulation of large volumes of manure that must be managed.

Modern manure management systems typically involve the collection of manure into storage or sediment tanks where the raw manure may be de watered producing a slurry that can be further processed and reduced by Anaerobic digestion, Vermiculture or Bioconversion. The resulting biosolid sludge may be treated for Nutrient Recovery and then is suitable as a raw feedstock as a Bio Residuals material.

Mushroom growers use Animal Manure as a culture bed to produce Mushrooms
In many countries dried animal dung is harvested and burnt as a fuel to generate heat.

manure management

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online collaboration group

The Online Collaboration Forum provides an opportunity to network and share information regarding the Management of Animal Manure Waste. Please contribute your news and views on developments of projects, technology and observations of regulatory impacts to the Manure Management Forum.
Check-out more Animal Manure Waste information.

Nutrient Recovery

Phosphorus Recovery
Nitrogen Reclamation       Potassium Wastes
Sulphur Recovery

Online Collaboration Group has established an online Group Collaboration Forum that is designed to share ideas, ask questions, look for information or seek/provide assistance in the advancement of the efforts related to Nutrient Recovery. Please feel free to contribute your input or queries to the group.

Nutrient Recovery

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online collaboration group

Nutrient Residues
All plant and animal matter contains nutrients as basic elemental building blocks of life. Residual Nutrients accumulate in organic wastes, Anaerobic Digestion sludges and waste water treatment facilities.
One method of treating these Sludges or Bio Residuals is through the harvesting of a material known as Struvite which may be used as a fertilizer.
Common NPK fertilizers are rich in Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium.

Phosphorus Recovery
Phosphorus and Phosphate Recovery efforts are largely driven as a result of the tightening of regulations that restrict the discharge of Phosphorus from waste water treatment facilities into waterways in the open environment. The continuous release of Phosphorus (P) into the water ecosystem results in a concentrated build up of the P. High levels of phosphorus promotes the growth of Algae blooms which produce algal toxins that can be harmful to both human and animal health.

Various methods of Phosphorus Recovery are currently employed or being explored. One such treatment approach uses the controlled growth of Algae, at the point of origin, to reduce P discharge.
Other efforts are focused on the production of value added streams such as Ferro Phosphorus and industrial Phosphates, as well as fertilizers and Soil Amendment materials.

Nitrogen Reclamation
The concentration of Nitrogen in organic wastes, sludges and Bio Residuals provides the opportunity for Nitrogen Reclamation.

Management systems for Manure & Animal Waste better allow for the control of concentration levels of elements such as nitrogen and other accumulated nutrients.

Potassium Waste
Potassium Waste

Residuals Management
The consolidation of trace elements from waste stream residues and sludges is the natural flow point for the opportunity for the concentration and recovery of inorganic minerals, nutrients and heavy metals.

The potential exists to capture values from late stage waste streams such as residues and sludges or Solid Recovered Fuel SRF, as feedstocks for the elemental thermal disposition in a Bio-Refinery.

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