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Emission Control

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Stationary Combustion Emissions
Mobile Combustion Emissions

Direct Air Capture       Water Remediation
Terrestrial Decontamination

Remediation & Emission Control
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Eliminating Emissions
By taking control and modifying open emission generating combustion systems, we need to retrofit, redesign or replace traditional combustion systems and capture or harness the energy generation potential while simply not emitting CO2 and greenhouse gasses directly to the atmosphere.
Remediation & Emission Control

Stationary Combustion Emissions
The generation of Combustion emissions from Stationary locations such as Thermal Power Plants and industrial processes represents one of the largest sources of atmospheric CO2 pollution. The reduction or elimination of greenhouse gas emissions from large stationary sources provides a huge opportunity and challenge.
Please feel free contribute your views on Stationary Combustion Emissions to the Online Collaboration Group or check-out additional information on Stationary Combustion Emissions

Stationary Combustion

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Stationary Combustion

online collaboration group

The Online Collaboration Group provides an opportunity to network and share information regarding the potential Remediation of Stationary Combustion Emissions.

Mobile Combustion

Passenger Car       Diesel Truck
Air Travel       Marine Shipping

Online Collaboration Group
Mobile Combustion Emissions

Mobile Combustion Emissions
Our interest is mainly focused on the emissions generated from Passenger Cars and Diesel Trucks but we also share a concern with Air Travel and Marine Shipping emissions.

mobile emission

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Mobile Combustion

online collaboration group

Mobile Emissions Forum has established an online Forum that invites open Collaboration to share ideas surrounding the reduction and elimination of greenhouse gas emissions from the combustion of transportation fuels. It is our hope that the Forum may provide a networking opportunity that assists in the advancement of the efforts related to Mobile Combustion Emissions and results in the capture and recovery of atmospheric pollutants.
Please feel free to contribute your input to the group.

Automobile Combustion Emissions
We are excited to explore the potential to reduce or eliminate the emissions generated from gasoline powered internal combustion engines. Please share your input and comments regarding ventures and technology directed toward CO2 capture from passenger cars. We are keenly interested in the challenges and potential solutions posed by the reverse distribution of captured carbon products.

Diesel Truck Emissions
Efforts surrounding the potential reduction or elimination of greenhouse gas emissions generated from the combustion of Diesel Fuel are the focus of the online collaboration group. Please embrace this opportunity to network and engage in developing solutions for Mobile Combustion Emissions.

Aircraft Emissions
Tackling emissions from the combustion of aviation fuels may be the most challenging segment of transportation fuels reduction and elimination. By consolidating collaboration efforts we may all contribute to finding a solution.

Marine Shipping Emissions
Continuing efforts are ongoing to reduce emissions from the combustion of bunker oils and marine fuels generated from the operation of the commercial shipping industry. We would enjoy hearing about any evolving technology, projects and proposed innovation that would improve the impact on our environment.

The challenge is to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions from all forms of combustion including Mobile sources.

Direct Air Capture
Direct Air Capture is a proactive approach to the reduction of undesirable contaminate levels from the open atmosphere. The primary focus is targeted on the capture and extraction of CO2 from the ambient air. We are interested in exploring all aspects of Direct Air Capture methods, schemes and technology.
Direct Air Capture is also a method used for the harvesting of water vapor from the atmosphere as a source of usable water.

Direct Air

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Direct Air

online collaboration group

Direct Capture Collaborative Forum has established an online Forum that invites open Collaboration to share ideas primarily surrounding the reduction of atmospheric CO2 with various approaches of Direct Air Capture. It is our hope that the Forum may provide a networking opportunity that assists in the advancement of the efforts related to CO2 reduction and results in the capture and recovery of atmospheric pollutants.
Please feel free to contribute your input to the Direct Air Capture group.
More info on Direct Air Capture

Direct Air Capture
typical steps in a DAC system

Solid Particulate Filtration
Water Vapor Extraction       CO2 Recovery
Clean Dry Air

Solid Particulate Filtration
Incoming air flow is filtered to remove solid particulate. This may remove the dust, dirt and ash from such events as wildfire smoke.

The saturated filter material may fed directly into the solid waste pyrolysis thermal reduction unit as a raw feedstock.
More info on Direct Air Capture

Water Vapor Extraction
Dehydration step, water vapor condensation, desiccant media, alumino-silicates, cryogenic refrigeration cycle, thermal regeneration, molecular sieve Dehydration adsorption,
thermal or Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) Technology,
More info on Direct Air Capture

CO2 Extraction
The Carbon Dioxide content of atmospheric air averages in the 0.04% range. The first step in most Direct Air Capture systems is an attempt to segregate The CO2 from the 99.95+ % of ambient air flow.

The concentration of CO2 is achieved by streaming a direct flow of air across a solvent or absorbent filtration media which allows for the extraction of CO2 from the air flow. Venting the mass air flow though a column of common hydroxide media, the CO2 reacts and binds with the substrate and allows the bulk air flow to pass through as Clean Dry Air.

The filtration media eventually becomes saturated a must be regenerated, This is typically accomplished in a simple thermal heat process that releases a concentrated CO2 and filtration media is recharged and ready to begin a new cycle.

The recovered concentrated CO2 may be treated separately or may routed directly into the Recovery 2.0 CO2 Pipeline.
There are multiple options to recover, treat or process the CO2, such as cryogenic compression refrigeration cycle, thermal regeneration, molecular sieve Dehydration adsorption, but the preferred option is CO2 Splitting and solid carbon recovery.
More info on Direct Air Capture

Clean Dry Air
Clean Dry Air may be used as a source for an incoming feedstock for the compressed air pipeline system, or as a pre-treated feedstock for purified oxygen extraction or the production of liquid nitrogen.
Any unwanted volume is conditioned and acceptable for emission and returned back to the open atmosphere.
More info on Direct Air Capture

Direct Air Capture - Flow Path

Water Remediation

Waste Water Treatment
Runoff & Storm Water Collection
Ground Water Remediation

Waterways Cleansing       Water Purification

Online Collaboration Group
Water Remediation

We are excited to explore cutting edge and future developments of Water Remediation. We welcome the challenge to contribute to meeting the needs to achieve ecological equilibrium.

Water Remediation

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online collaboration group

The Online Water Remediation collaboration group provides a networking opportunity to connect with others that share an interest in the field of waste water treatment, recovery and conservation. We are interested in any and all current developments related to the future of water resources and water management.
Please feel free to submit your input to the Online Water Remediation collaboration group.

Waste Water Treatment
The realm of Industrial Waste Water Treatment and Municipal Waste Water Treatment is critical to the sustainability of life. Traditionally the approach to treatment was to reduce contaminates to an acceptable level for discharge to the waterways. The continuos discharge of contaminates, no matter how dilute, ultimately results in downstream concentration.

A shift in attitudes may result in a fundamental change in the approach to water management by actually purifying water into drinking quality and eliminating the discharge of undesirable trace elements and contaminants.
If you desire to participate in this change, Please contribute your input to assist in the Collaborative efforts to achieve environmental sustainability.

Storm Water
The management of surface water Runoff & Storm Water Collection and storm drain systems is often overlooked but deserves attention when considering potential opportunities to reduce waste water contamination. We appreciate your collaborative input regarding any and all innovation surrounding Storm Water.

Ground Water Remediation
The remediation of Ground Water contamination is typically focused on the removal of chemical or heavy metal pollutants that have leached into the ground water.
Please feel free to submit your input to the Ground Water Remediation Online Collaboration Group.

Waterways Cleansing
Cleaning up our streams, rivers, lakes and the open ocean in an effort to remove pollutants is an increasing priority.
The accumulative impact of decades of Disposal at Sea and ocean dumping practices are becoming apparent. The concentrations of nutrients & heavy metals in our waterways is only now receiving due recognition.
The visibility of plastics in the ocean seems to crown the headlines and drowns out the other water contamination issues.
An Online Collaboration Group has been established to support the transparent transfer of information on the advancement of Waterways Cleansing efforts. Feel Free to contribute to this forum.

Water Purification
The Purification of drinking water and the circulation of clean water throughout the natural water cycle is a life sustaining imperative.
The adoption of methods and technology for Water Regeneration is essential for the continuing advancement of society.

To aid in a better understanding of the need for Water Purification and Water Remediation we host an Online Collaboration Forum that you are welcome add your input to help in networking current water information.

Other Water Remediation information

Terrestrial Decontamination
The identification of and Decontamination of pollutants from Land Contamination is focused primarily on Soil Remediation and Sediment Reclamation from sites such as Tailings Ponds.
The establishment of an Online Collaboration Forum provides the opportunity to network and share current information regarding Land Contamination Remediation and Reclamation efforts, developments and technology.

Terrestrial Decontamination

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online collaboration group

You may participate in the Online Collaboration Forum, Please feel free to submit your input to the group today.
Check-out addition info on Terrestrial Decontamination

Electrochemical Cells       Oxidation/Reduction & Displacement
Molten Media Extraction

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