Hot Gas Refining -
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Hot Gas Refining
gaseous phase biorefining

Overview       Collaboration Group
Hot Gas Refining
Recovery Cycle       Hydrocarbon Splitting
Gaseous Phase Biorefining

Hot Gas Refining


Recovery 2.0 is a sustainable approach to treat WASTE as a resource while assisting with the world's demand for clean WATER and clean ENERGY.

The Thermal Reduction method of Waste Recovery is an energy intense process that takes a novel approach to eliminate stack emissions by capturing the would be flue gases and turning them into a source for the recovery of ELEMENTS and ENERGY.

The Thermal Reduction process of waste materials separates the output into two main fractions, a solid fraction and a gaseous fraction. The gas and vaporous materials are captured on a mass balance basis and treated for further selective recovery.

The gas fraction typically expands from 1,00 to 2,000 times the volume from the original waste feedstock. The gas fraction typically consists of various mixtures of Hydrogen, Carbon and Oxygen with all other gases totaling less than 5% of the remainder.

The challenge in the gas phase processing is managing the sheer volume of gas generated with the range of temperatures and pressures. Special precautions are required for the handling of those fractions that are corrosive, toxic or are flammable in nature.

There are different basic methods that may be used in the gaseous fraction recovery process. The predominate options allow for a choice of three pathways that involve Bulk condensing, Selective condensing and a hot gas refining approach. All three approaches end up with the selective recovery of the output products.

The reality is that we live in a hydrocarbon based world.
If you believe in a carbon free world, then you need to stop breathing, as CO2 from respiration is a fundamental fuel for plant photosynthesis.

Hydrocarbons are not evil. We need to recognize that the mismanagement of uncontrolled emissions of residual materials and attitudes surrounding waste in general are not sustainable. Establishing an equilibrium within the natural cycle of our planet's ecosystems is a priority.

A shift in attitudes is required, from a linear style of thinking, where the extraction of materials you desire and then abandoning the residuals is no longer an acceptable practice. To become a sustainable society we must accept the responsibility for the ultimate disposition of all the materials generated as a result of our activities.

Hot Gas Refining, or gaseous phase biorefining, through a Thermal reduction, gasification & pyrolysis process converts hydrocarbon wastes into fundamental building blocks of Hydrogen, Carbon and other gaseous state materials. This process involves converting solid wastes through a phase change into a Gaseous state. This results into a volume expansion and the process must accommodate and contain these intermediate gases.

Hot Gas Refining Stairway
Bulk Condensing       Selective Condensing
Hot Gas Refining

Gas Condensing
When cooled to ambient temperatures some of the contents of the gas experience a natural phase change into a liquid state. The transition of gaseous state materials into a liquid fraction is largely related to the recovery of hydrocarbon vapors.
An opportunity exists to extract energy at the condensing stage process based on the Volumetric Expansion Ratio of a liqid to gas phase change.

Bulk Condensing
One traditional approach to the recovery of the liquid fraction is the bulk condensing by allowing the gas to cool to ambient temperatures. The liquid mixture that is formed is commonly referred to as Bio Crude or Bio Oils. These mixed liquids require further re-refining or cracking into the desired output products consisting mostly of hydrocarbons.

Selective Condensing
The Selective Condensing approach is a method that uses a controlled, staged temperature reduction that allows the selective recovery of different liquid fractions as they individually condense. This approach takes advantage of the energy efficiency of treating product recovery while the vapors are already in a gaseous state.

Hydrocarbon Pipeline
Hydrocarbon Pipeline

Hot Gas Refining
The Hot Gas Refining approach is a process the hits the gaseous vapors with additional energy sufficient to break the complex hydrocarbons into simpler elemental forms.
Hot Gas Refining, or gaseous phase biorefining, through a Thermal reduction, gasification & pyrolysis process converts hydrocarbon wastes into fundamental building blocks of Hydrogen (H2), Carbon (C) and other gaseous state materials.

Thermal reduction is an energy intensive process that may produce a wide variety of end products. Depending on the consistency of the incoming feedstock, the process operation temperature, pressure and dwell time will determine the output compound matrix.

The Hot Gas Refining step allows for optional results in gas to liquid phase change, selective purification condensing and reheating cycle refining and separation process. Hot Gas Extraction (HGE)

Mixed waste feedstocks yield a soup of hydrocarbon compounds, theoretically the input of additional energy, typically in the form of heat, will result in the breakdown into simpler complexes or basic elements.

Hydrogen Paths

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Hydrocarbon Splitting
The opportunity to convert gaseous Hydrocarbons into clean Hydrogen and solid carbon is a method of Hydrocarbon Splitting.
The Thermal Reduction of mixed Hydrocarbon wastes produces a rich Hydrocarbon gas as an intermediate stage product. The production of purified Hydrogen gas in this process is referred to by some industry segments as Hydrocarbon pyrolysis. This product may be segregated into a recovered Hydrogen cycle and compressed to be stored in an above ground or shallow beneath ground tanks or vessels.

The recovered Hydrogen may be sold to external markets to support the Hydrogen Economy and transportation fuels or may be designated for internal consumption.
Internally in The Recovery 2.0 system, the recovered Hydrogen stream may be converted into electricity or directly combusted to produce heat as an energy source to drive the primary thermal reduction of waste material feedstock inputs.

The benefits of onsite industrial process heat consumption simplifies many of the complications related to high volume storage, high pressure storage and unfavorable transportation economics.
Onsite usage favors Short Cycle Regeneration and may accommodate lower compression requirements and lower overall volume of storage.

Hydrocarbon Splitting - Molten Media Catalyst

Hydrocarbon Splitting Reactor
There are many approaches to producing Hydrogen, one method that is referred to as Hydrocarbon pyrolysis is a process that may be used by routing the hot gas stream from the hydrocarbon pipeline into a bubble flow through a molten Media Catalyst. The Hydrocarbon Splitting Reactor converts gaseous Hydrocarbons into clean Hydrogen and solid carbon.
The Hydrocarbon pyrolysis process is energy intense as the reactor requires the input of heat to maintain the molten state of the catalyst media.

One approach that attempts to achieve efficient splitting is with microwave energy focused directly onto the Catalyst material. A hydrocarbon flow in direct contact with the hot catalyst may be sufficient to sustain a reaction. The localized heating of only the catalyst saves excess heating of the surroundings. In this scenario the catalysts is not in a molten state and it remains as a solid and is not consumed in the reaction. In this method continuous harvesting may be possible for the production of Hydrogen.

Gaseous Phase Biorefining       - Introduction

      Pathway Flow & Options
                  - Thermal Reduction
                  - Hot Gas Stage

                  - Non-Condensed Hydrocarbons
                            - Natural Gas, Renewable Natural Gas, Methane,
                            - Syngas
                            - Hydrogen

                  - Condensed Hydrocarbons
                            - Naphtha, Methanol, Ethanol,
                            - Transportation Fuels, Gasoline, Diesel,
                            - Heating Oils, Kerosene,
                            - Heavy Bituminous Tars & Bio Crude
                            - Water Vapor

          Ancillary Items
                  - Particulate Matter
                  - Volatile Organic Compounds - VOC
                  - Hydrogen Sulfide, Nobel Gases
                  - Oxygen, Nitrogen

Hot Gas Refining           - Summary

Non-Condensed Hydrocarbons
Certain classes of elements are naturally stable in a gas phase state at normal atmospheric temperatures and pressures. By scrubbing and cleaning these gases you have the opportunity to upgrade different matrix complexes of desired hydrocarbon product classes. Renewable Natural Gas

Non-Condensed Hydrocarbon
Methane (CH4)
Ethane (C2H6)
Propane (C3H8)
Butane (C4H10)
Pentane (C5H12)
Hexane / Sextane (C6H14)
Benzene (C6H6)
Toluene (C7H8)
Xylene (C8H10)
Octane (C8H18)
Nonane (C9H20)
Decane (C10H22)

Syngas or synthesis gas

Within the waste recovery industry, Syngas or synthesis gas is broadly or generically referred to as the Non-Condensed gas output produced from the gasification process or from the partial decomposition of hydrocarbon wastes.

Syngas commonly contains a dirty blend of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen along with other combustion byproducts. This is deemed as a poor quality biogas and contains a mixture that typically ranges from 25 to 30% hydrogen and 30 to 60% Carbon Oxides (CO2 & CO).

Syngas as a Fuel

Waste gasification Syngas is commonly combusted directly as a low grade fuel.
If an oxy-combustion method is employed the emission output is largly converted into a CO2 & H2O mixture. If the emmissions from the syngas combustion are fully contain, you may be able to capture any of the Hydrogen (H2) content in a water electrlysis stage.

Syngas may be cleaned or conditioned which includes the extraction of CO2 to produce a clean Renewable Natural Gas fuel product.
Syngas may also be deemed as an intermediary stage in the purification of Hydrogen or CO2 Splitting.

In the industrial chemical sector, Syngas is more strictly referred to as the intermediary product formed in Hydrogen Generation process by Steam Methane Reforming (SMR). This intermediary SYNGAS consists of a Hydrogen and Carbon Monoxide mix, at the end of the SMR process and a water shift reaction the output is Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide CO2.


At this point in the Hot Gas Refining process you may selectively segregate individual gases such as Hydrogen (H2) as desired, if market conditions are favorable. Check-out additional information on Hydrogen Recovery and The Hydrogen Energy Awareness Forum.

Ammonia (NH3) may be used as an energy carrier in the Hydrogen economy.

Condensed Hydrocarbons
Implementing a multi-stage condensing system to selectively take advantage of differing boiling & condensing temperatures (dew point equivalents) for different elements or compounds. Individual elements or compounds may be stored once they are cooled to a naturally stable point in a liquid phase state at normal atmospheric temperature and pressure.
Hot Gas Refining or gaseous phase biorefining through Thermal reduction, gasification & pyrolysis converts hydrocarbon wastes into fundamental building blocks of Hydrogen, Carbon and other gaseous state materials.
Bio Crude

Condensed Hydrocarbons
Naphtha (CnH2n(n=5~8))
Methanol (CH3OH)
Ethanol (C2H6O)
Gasoline (C8H18)
Diesel (C12H23)
Kerosene (C12H26C15H32)

Water Vapor
Water vapor (vapour) may be condensed into liquid water to be used as a universal carrier throughout the refining process or sent for Water Regeneration. This is an ideal opportunity to apply A Novel Approach to Waste Recovery.

Volatile Organic Compounds - VOC
Complex Volatile Organic Compounds - VOC contained in raw bio-refinery feedstocks tend to breakdown in the Thermal reduction process into a simpler Hydrocarbon matrix and blend seamlessly into Condensed and Non-Condensed Hydrocarbon streams.
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have a high vapor pressure and evaporate from solids or liquids at room temperature. VOCs are lighter than air and responsible for characteristic smells (e.g., paint thinner, perfumes).

Particulate Matter
Electrostatic precipitators, scrubbers, and baghouse filters are common methods to reduce or eliminate solid particulates and metal vapors.

Ancillary Items
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
Oxygen (O2)
Nitrogen Gas (N2)
Ammonia (NH3)
Noble Gases
     Helium (He)
     Neon (Ne)
     Argon (Ar)
     Krypton (Kr)
     Xenon (Xe)
     Radon (Rn)


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online collaboration group

Bio-Refining Collaborative Forum has established an online Forum that invites open Collaboration to share ideas primarily surrounding Bio-Refining. It is our hope that the Forum may provide a networking opportunity that assists in the advancement of the efforts related to Bio-Refining.
Please feel free to contribute your input to the Bio-Refining Forum group.


Electricity is a desirable output from the Bio-Refining process, any electricity not required for internal consumption may be used as an energy source for an ongoing battery charging venture or to power the grid. Electricity may be generated from heat/steam recovery, but may also be derived through the power conversion process by tapping into energy contained within the BioEnergy Renewables with the use of electro-cell generating technologies. Electricity generated from the Bio-Refining process may be considered as an ultra green source of power.

Energy Intensity
Bio-Refining is energy intensive and some of the material process streams may consume large percentages of the product outputs to fuel the process. In common industrial manufacturing applications this would be viewed as inefficient and unacceptable. In the case of bio-refining of waste materials, process losses normally considered as inefficient are anticipated and acceptable provided that fuel requirements are contained within the incoming feedstocks and no external energy is required (or needs to be acquired).

If the primary goal of any bio-refining operation is as a waste treatment process then any net output harvest is a bonus. Since many raw incoming waste material feedstocks contain high BTU or calorific values, the bio-refining process will yield a positive output of products or energy.

Bio-refining of waste material is only one method of converting or unlocking hidden values that exist within the raw feedstocks. Check-out a Novel Approach to Waste Recovery and green energy management.

Bio-Refining       High Temperature Refining
Novel Recovery Approach

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