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Cooksmill NetSystems Inc in ByProduct Synergy

Cooksmill NetSystems Inc
Cooksmill NetSystems Inc

Content Distribution System

Enhance your web site with free content and services which include:

  • Calendar of Events Boxes: Display a list of upcoming events
  • Online Market Prices: Displays a market 'yardstick', showing market prices for specific recyclable materials and secondary commodities.
  • Exchange Submit Boxes: Display a Buy/Sell/Trade submission box
  • News: Online news source on global recycling issues
  • Finder Services: Customers can submit requests to help locate any of the following:
  • Used Auto Parts
  • Tires
  • Cars
  • Recycling Industry Jobs
  • Domain Names
  • Recycling Equipment
  • Metal Equipment
  • Freight Services

    Cooksmill NetSystems Inc
    Guelph Ontario

    Contact : Jamie Roszel
    For Further Information,

    Visit Our Web Pages for More Information

  • The on-line directories are provided as a service to subscribing members.
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