By-Product Synergy Market Trends - Industrial Symbiosis -
Synergy Market Trends
Wastestream Synergy
Byproduct Valorization
Industrial Symbiosis       Waste Exchange

Waste Audit       Product Stewardship

Emission Credits & Offsets
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Wastestream Synergy

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We invite you to participate in the Online Collaboration Forum to promote the transfer of information amongst Wastestream Synergy enthusiasts. Please feel free to submit your input to the Wastestream Synergy Forum.
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Waste Valorization

Byproduct Valorization
The extraction of value or valorization of waste may be achieved by focusing on specific waste streams and then identifying the value chain and process related to recovery of that particular material.
By~Product Synergy provides a method for waste generators, processors and technology solution providers to directly collaborate with those who seek a source of circular raw materials.

By~Product Synergy was established to prevent the duplication of individual efforts in the development of markets of circular resource conservation and recovery. Please free to use this resource as a tool in your Circular Market Development Efforts.

Understand established traditional Scrap Commodity Markets is an important factor required in recognizing potential wastestream values and access to historic and current Secondary Commodity Prices is an esential tool.

By~Product Synergy supports the concepts of Elemental Molecular Regeneration of resources and multiple approaches of recovery including thermal decomposition through the advancement of Bio-Refining.

Please feel free to submit your input to the Wastestream Synergy Forum.
Byproduct Valorization

synergy market
By-Product Synergy
Market Trends

Industrial Symbiosis
By-Product Synergy may include the exchange of energy or materials generated as byproducts or sidestreams.
Industrial Symbiosis is defined as a market or industrial ecology that is created when one party generates a byproduct and another party can utilize that byproduct as a raw resource. The connection of these two parties creates a benefit or market synergy also known as Industrial Symbiosis.

If you wish to engage or collaberate regarding Industrial Symbiosis, Please feel free to submit your input to the Wastestream Synergy Forum.
Industrial Symbiosis

Waste Exchange is an online infomation exchange that directly matches waste generators and local recyclers. If you are a waste generator and you wish to find a market for your waste materials, Please feel free to add your inquiry to the Waste Exchange.

Waste Exchange -

If you wish to share your ideas on the concepts of Waste Exchange, Please feel free to collaberate by submitting your input to the Wastestream Synergy Forum.
Waste Exchange.

Waste Audit
A Waste Audit service is a method for analyzing an organization's waste stream. The goal is to discover what types and quantities of waste (paper, plastic, food etc.) you produce within a given timeframe—usually a week. Auditing also measures how much waste is recycled vs. thrown out.

Please feel free to share your ideas regarding waste audits, submit your input to the Wastestream Synergy Forum.
Waste Audit

Emission Credits & Offsets
A growing awareness of efforts to become carbon neutral will see the emerging of various Emission Credits schemes around the world, new programs to adopt Carbon Offset Credits or Recycling Offset Credits may be established. An Emission Credit is a credit earned by a company when it reduces air emissions beyond what is required by permits and rules. It is an asset that can be used by its owner or sold to companies that need emission offsets.
Emission reduction credit offsets, or trades, occur when companies which pollute too much, purchase from others emission reduction credits to more than make up for their pollution.

Please feel free to submit your input to the Wastestream Synergy Forum.

Byproducts & Sidestreams
Almost all industrial processes involve Byproducts & Sidestreams – raw materials, wastewater, excess energy and chemicals – that go to waste after the manufacturing process. Today, these side streams can be harnessed for reuse or even processed further as new commodities with business value. There is a growing interest towards the recovery of these byproducts and side streams.

Please feel free to submit your input to the Wastestream Synergy Forum.

By-Product Synergy Market Trends
Identifying and connecting potential By-Product Synergy partners or counter parties poses some unique challenges in successfully and sustainably establishing Trade in physical By-Product materials. The connection between waste generators and those wanting the raw resources is not limited to a linear path. This creates third-party entrepreneurial opportunities to fulfill the need to establish the value of the byproducts or waste materials and create an open market to facilitate these synergetic connections.

By-Product Synergy Market Trends may be monitored on The Secondary Commodity Composite Index and on the Resource Conservation Composite Index

By-Product Synergy offers the opportunity of a unique service that includes both the Secondary Commodity Composite and the Resource Conservation Composite on a annual prepaid subscription package at a Bonus Discounted Rate of $ 7,500 USD

The Secondary Commodity Composite Index

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Secondary Commodity

Composite Price Subscription

Composite Index
The Composite Indexes were created as a method to see a balanced view of the changes & market trends that impact a specific market sector. Each sector is comprised of a basket of Benchmark grades that proportionately represent that industry segment. A snapshot of the daily spot market price of each of the benchmark grades is captured and incorporated into the index.
The prices and values of the by-products, Scrap Materials and the Secondary Commodities have been compiled daily for over a decade and are a unique proprietary service developed by CooksMill NetSystems.

Electrochemical Cells       Oxidation/Reduction & Displacement
Molten Media Extraction
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