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Redux Nutrition Ltd. in ByProduct Synergy -- Industry Directory

Redux Nutrition Ltd.
Redux Nutrition Ltd.
Every Redux service is designed to keep tonnes of food waste and byproducts out of landfills, and thousands of litres of used cooking oil, grease, and fats from being dumped. And it all gets turned into ingredients that make sustainable products.
By working with restaurants, bakeries, manufacturers, and more, our process has a far-reaching and sustainable impact.
Our current focus is on used cooking oil, which we recycle into biodiesel. This helps to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere, while also creating a renewable fuel source.
In addition to used cooking oil, we also collect food waste and byproducts from restaurants and bakeries. This waste is then turned into animal feed, compost, and other sustainable products.

Redux Nutrition Ltd.
Chilliwack British Columbia

Contact : Jared Girman
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