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Green-Port Environmental Managers in ByProduct Synergy -- Industry Directory

Green-Port Environmental Managers
Green-Port Environmental Managers

Green-Port Environmental Managers Ltd. (GPE) considers recycling an important component of the 4R's waste philosophy (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Recover). Our knowledge and experience with many recycling initiatives have resulted in savings to our customers and has minimized the volume of wastes that end up in landfill.

GPE's understanding, relationship with an expanding network of recyclers, reclaimers, and end users is reason why our clients call us first, when they need fast, reliable, and often profitable results.

Below is a partial list the recyclables/commodities we handle:

  • Old Corrugated Cardboard (OCC)
  • Waste Paper
  • Wood Waste
  • Aluminum Cans
  • Ferrous Metals
  • Non-Ferrous Metals
  • Obsolete Electrical Equipment
  • Fluorescent Lamps
  • Ballasts
  • Rubber Tires
  • Small Propane Cannisters
  • Manufacturer's Off Spec Products

    Green-Port Environmental Managers
    Georgetown Ontario

    Contact : Marc Mittleman
    For Further Information,

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