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NexantECA Limited in ByProduct Synergy -- Industry Directory

NexantECA Limited
NexantECA Limited
Advisor for the energy, gas, refining and chemical industries. Our clientele ranges from major oil, gas and chemical companies, governments, investors, and financial institutions to regulators, development agencies and law firms.
Staffed by over 100 industry specialists, we understand the challenges facing senior management in these complex and dynamic global markets. Our consultants blend strategic consulting, operational and technical expertise with deep gas processing, refining, and chemical sector knowledge.
Our Consulting team comprises industry experts giving independent analysis and insight to assist with strategic planning, technology evaluation, feasibility and market studies, business and asset reviews, project agreement negotiation support, transaction due diligence (M&A/project financing) and expert witness.
Subscriptions and Reports provide comprehensive analytics, forecasts and insights regarding markets, technology and economics across the energy and chemicals industry.
Training creates and provides world-class training courses, both online, publically and in-house, that aid progression, development and a greater understanding of today's chemical industry.

NexantECA Limited
London England
United Kingdom

Contact : Stewart Hardy
For Further Information,

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